Sunday, 17 November 2013

Week 7: Fresh-faced again

We're just coming back from a week's break at circus school. (The joys of having a half term! Seriously, they should be introduced in to adult life, not just at school: I can't remember the last time I was obliged to rest! Amazing.)

And we were seriously in need of it. If you could have seen us all in week 6 - classes regularly included 'cripples corner', where a bunch of three, four or even five sick or injured sad circus students would sit out the class and enviously watch their full-health classmates continuing to play. Myself included - straining a muscle at the beginning of the week. Lesson learned: don't try a particularly strenuous move at the end of the day when you're exhausted, and don't assume it'll be ok to train on again after just one night's rest. So I ended up missing three days, including my Friday afternoon trapeze presentation. I'd been looking forward to this particular week and presentation all half term, but then when I got there, it became the most difficult and daunting. Probably because it's the discipline I care about most. That I most wanted to do well in. So I worried too much, compared myself to everyone else, and overtrained, taking myself out of the picture entirely!

But watching everyone else was a real treat. I was so impressed by the amount of variety, creativity and everyone's strength - especially those who had never done aerial before. And whilst it is daunting to think of the number of aerialists out there competing for jobs, especially those with dance and performance backgrounds (they are annoyingly graceful up in the air!), it's great to be making the most of these three months, and being in a collaborative environment where I can steal...err, I mean learn...moves from everyone around me ;-). But also find my own style too, what's unique about my own performance.

The other funny thing about half term was being 'normal' again. It was really weird. It decidedly did not feel normal at all. I took a brief trip back to London and it felt very strange to be there. I got caught in rush hour at Canary Wharf; I popped back in to my old office to say 'hi' and shuddered at the rows and rows of desks. (I was also made to juggle fruit as proof of my initiation in to the circus world ;-) ). It was clear to me and everyone I met that I am absolutely doing what I am meant to be doing right now. Bring on the next five weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Keep on trucking.... sounds like your having a blast, look forward to reading more x
