It's proving quite difficult to listen
to my body. On Monday I was exhausted after a totally restful Sunday;
on Tuesday I was bouncing and decided to stay late, which then hit me
on Thursday. It's really difficult to know how to time rests vs extra
training and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to my
current energy swings. It's probably because my body is still
screaming 'What are you DOING?!' and 'You're doing it some MORE.
Really?' at me. I've heard week three is the hardest. And I'm hoping
it's the hump we need to get over before settling in to better
communication with our bodies.
As it was also my 30th this
week (best birthday ever! thanks for all the messages and love :) )
I'm even more aware I need to respect what it's telling me. But I'm
so happy to be using it so fully, and I *think* if I wasn't so tired
I'd definitely be noticing a difference (and I mean apart from the
bruises!) It's incredible to contemplate what the body can actually
put up with, go through, and keep going through. Clearly the course
is not designed to break us, but to push us to our limits and make us
as strong as possible. As long as our muscles have just enough time
to recover - not fully, but enough - before we push them again, then
we'll keep on an upward trajectory. But if not, we'll crash down.
(Early nights and protein shakes are totally keeping me together!)
Yet this tiredness doesn't seem to
matter, because it's part and parcel of our passion. It's not the
tiredness you get from a day's commuting across London, that you
resent: it's a satisfying, deep tiredness that makes you smile
because of where it came from.
I've been impressed (and sometimes
daunted) by the pace of the syllabus. We're quickly reaching the
limits of (what I thought!) was my reasonable trapeze knowledge (and
in Acro we're already standing on each other's shoulders -
terrifying!). In three weeks. Just think how much there would be to
learn in a year, or two. How much work needs to be put in to
really cut it in the performance world. As our director has said, as
circus becomes more 'known' and part of everyday culture (think
about No Fit State, Psy, Occam's Razor, Circus Oz), it gets harder
and harder to impress. Performers need to be ever more daring and
impressive. Slightly daunting and I'm already sad I'm only on the
three month course but intend to soak up everything I can!